24 Partly cloudy 27 here 49 high
10:30 44 clear, wind 14 fr NW
The City crew is digging up the alley of Gertie's vacant lot. A leaky pipe. They will put in a copper pipe.
I wrote valentines and mailed letter to Anna Marie, Sylvia and Marie Dwyer. Have to write to Leah & Leta.
About 20 till 8 this evening, a knock ...
I went to the door.
There was a porch full of men.
One asked for Clarence.
I invited them in.
Clarence came in from the living room as the poured in... over 10 or 12 of them.
Members of the VFW with uniforms and hats. The District Commander was among them.
They gave Clarence his 25 year pin with ceremony.
They left the gate open and Muggs went out... a little way. Came right back in.