61 mostly clear High 93 - 56 91 & 51 official
76 partly cloudy at 10:30p
Mickey had a light heart.
I didn't feel good.
C & I took teatments this mng. Played ball all afn.
Kenny here in evng a while.
C cut out a big limb fm the Chinese Elm while I was at Docs. and he scraped his ankle, nasty little sore.
He is putting turpentine on it.
"Turpentine was once a common home remedy for treating minor cuts and abrasions. People would place a small amount of turpentine on a piece of cotton wool and bind it to the wound. When the cotton wool dried, they would add a few more drops of turpentine to the material. The purpose was to keep the wound clean; turpentine was thought to have antiseptic qualities. Skin exposed to turpentine may become irritated and swollen, however."