May 8, 1962

Daily Writings of Ella Preston


64 here 66 at WB wind ssw12 mostly clear. High 90 54-87 official high and low

736 pm 536am

Last night an electri wind abt midnight killed- dried up the lilac blossoms. All brown and crisp this mng. They called it a heat wave. It hit here Topeka and Ness City.

I finished the living room, washed the woodwork & wiped the walls.

C finished mowing lawns. Went to town for dandelionkiller and hedge trimming shears.

I received a lovely Mother's Day card from Mickey. 
I planted some patunias and nasturtiums by the TV tower and some marigolds east of jonquils (wednesday)
Blondie teaching her kittens to drink milk.

Harry Shumard's last day on our mail route.