58 Cloudy High 75
.37" moisture past 24 hours
C was asleep after supper and abt 5 this evening a bad looking black cloud came up.
I put Mugg's collar on him, shut and locked the doors.
Then it HIT.
Almost a cloud burst or a hurricane.
The tree tops lashed and rain came in sheets. We couldn't see the chicken house. It lasted for 10 minutes and we had 1 3/4 " in C's rain gauge.
We went down to 3rd ave when it let up. Several cars stalled in the streets & Vida Harms cars rear wheels up on the curb... bumper against a big tree.
Ave D was running curb to curb and those curbs are high, like 3rd's.
It rained again in evening bringing it to over 2" here.
C had a treatment this PM.