June 15, 1962

Daily Writings of Ella Preston


64 here
Clear 67 wnd ssw 17 
80 at noon
87 high

Fuzzy will not eat nor drink but looks abt like yesterday
803pm 517am sun set & rises

C & I went for groceries this mng. 

The cap on my little tooth came loose so I have a date with Dr. Braddock at 1pm and C with Doc 1:30. Charged $3 to cement that tooth back.

Fuzzy came up abt 11:15 slow and weak, got a big drink then lay on rug between sewing room and dining rooms abt 1 1/4 hour, later he went out with Mugg, got a big drink in the bird bath and disappeared. Later spent day east of front porch. I put him to bed at 6.

While eating my lunch, my crowned little tooth came off. I got Dr. Braddock to put it back at 1. At 1:30, C had an appointment that Doc put off till 2.

C weighs 239, I 125

In evening, we took a ride past the farm... stopped by Junior's ... I couldn't help crying.  1/3 of wheat should have been mine.